Featured artist: @osavage/Editional.com

Featured artist: @osavage/Editional.com

About the artist

Digital artist @osavage moved to the United States in 2005 from Nigeria, West Africa. From childhood, a drive toward drawing and creativity has been an integral part of his personal story.

“Anybody who knows me knows that,” he says.

Today, a father of two, he resides in Houston, Texas and works as a medic for a medical transportation company. In his spare time, he started producing digital art works.

“In late 2018, I came across a couple of editing apps and I have been manipulating these images ever since.” Incredibly, @osavage creates digital works using only an assortment of image editing apps and an iPhone.

Thereafter, the creator has found a niche for his work using digital art media enabled by blockchain technology — Ethereum’s ERC-721 standard. For the Winding Gallery, @osavage tokenized his digital works using Editional.com. “Recently, I came across Editional, and it’s like everything fell into place.”

What’s next for @osavage? “I’m planning on doing some pencil sketches,” he says.

Follow @osavage on Twitter.